Connecting to a Directory

This option describes how to connect to a directory. If you regularly connect to a particular directory, it may be useful to save the connection details in a template.


To connect to a directory:


1.  From the JXplorer Main Window, do one of the following:



The Open ldap Connection dialog appears.


2.  (Optional) If you want to connect using a pre-defined template, select the template from the Use a Template drop-down list, and then click OK.


3.  Enter the name of the directory server's computer in the Host text box.


4.  Enter the port number of the directory server in the Port text box.


5.  Enter the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) version number used for this connection. The default value is 3.


6.  Enter the base distinguished name of the directory to which you want to connect in the Base DN text box, for example, o=democorp,c=au.


Note: Do not enter spaces.


7.  Click the Level drop-down list, select the security level with which you want to connect, and then go to the next step:


Security Level


Go to step...


Connects to the directory anonymously.


User + Password

Connects to the directory using your username and password.


SSL + Anonymous

Connects to the directory anonymously, via an SSL link. The SSL connection uses either the trusted public certificate of the directory server, or the public certificate of the directory server's certificate authority.


SSL + User + Password

Connects to the directory using your username and password, via an SSL link. The SSL connection uses either the trusted public certificate of the directory server, or the public certificate of the directory server's certificate authority.


SSL + SASL + Keystore Password

Connects to the directory, via an SSL link. The SSL connection is authenticated using either the trusted public certificate of the directory server (or the public certificate of the directory server's certificate authority), and the client's trusted public certificate (or the public certificate of the client's certificate authority), and the client's private key.



8.  (Optional) Enter the distinguished name of your user account in the User DN text box, for example, cn=Pamela Smith,ou=marketing,o=democorp,c=au, and then enter your user password in the Password text box. Go to step 10.


9.  (Optional) Enter the password of the client certificate keystore file in the Password text box.


10. (Optional) If you want to save the details in a template, click the Save button, enter a template name, and then click OK.


Note: The template is saved at the end of the list. If you want to use this template to connect to the directory now, you must select it from the Use a Template drop-down list.


11. Click OK.

Related Topics

Disconnecting from a Directory

Managing Certificates

Monitoring eTrust Directory


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